日游神奇山水 夜赏魅力歌舞 当你走进多彩贵州…… 山因水而灵,水因人而丽。 在这雄伟秀美的黔山秀水间,各民族以自己的勤劳和智慧,创造了"一山不同族,十里不同俗"的民族文化奇观。昨天的山,用它的伟岸把贵州的多彩护佑在怀里,免受风雨的侵袭,今天的山,以它温柔的情怀,轻轻地向你撩开了它神秘的面纱…… 马岭河畔布依族村寨的"八音坐唱"清新淡雅,历史悠久,清水江边世代流传的"侗族大歌"在震惊欧洲时被誉为"天堂的和声",雷公山上"酒不醉人人自醉"的苗家敬酒习俗和姑娘们的盛装银饰早已独步世界,从江山谷中的岜沙遗存被称为"中国最后一个枪手部落",彝族的"阿且朵",水族的"俵啷",仡佬族的情歌……这些深藏在大山中的文化瑰宝讲述着她独有的故事而令人神往,但她如珍珠般洒落在万山丛中,或许会使远方的贵客因旅程的急促而留下一点点遗憾。 为此,《多彩贵州风》应运而生。 《多彩贵州风》集多民族的风情为一体,囊括了汉族,苗族,布依族,侗族,彝族,仡佬族,水族……等众多民族的优秀代表性节目,其中有获得国家级奖项的艺术精品,有来自田间地头的原生态的民间艺术瑰宝,有从远古一直流传到今天的民族习俗,有神秘莫测,令人震憾的民间绝技…… 集朴素,华丽,原始,现代为一体的《多彩贵州风》,以她特有的绚丽与清新,让你在有限的时空里亲身感受到贵州民族民间文化的无限精彩,美,将给你旅途的劳顿送去享受的轻松。 
As you come into Guizhou…… There is anima because of people on the mountain;rivers are beautiful because of human. Among the beautiful Guizhou mountains and rivers,17 ethnic minorities are industrious and intelligence,have created a rich,wonder and colorful national culture.In the past,the mountains used the huge arms to protect the beauty of Guixhzhou,avoid invasion and attack of the trials and hardship.Now,the mountain opens his mysterious veil to you with his gentle feelings. The Buyi people who live in the Malinghe riverside,their"ba yin zou chang"(sit sing with eight tones)with a long history and very specials tones,The Dong people in Qing shui jiang riverside their"Dongs chorus"was praised as"the harmony of the paradise". The Miao people on the Lei gong shan mountain their toast customs and the beauiful girlssilver ornaments are well-known in the world already.The Bssha peoples in the Congjiang mountain valley is known as"the last marksmen of China clan".Yi peoples "A qie duo"(a folk dance),Shui peoples "Biaolang"and Gelao peoples romantic song,These cultural treasure hidden in mountain deeply tells us her unique story. For this reason,"colorful Guizhou wind"arise at the historic moment."colorful Guizhou wind"incorporated multi-national customs which including the Han,Miao,Buyi,Dong,Yi,Gelao and Shui peoples numerous national outstanding representative program. There are works of art which obtains the national-level awards,there is folk art coming among the rural areas,there is national customs from immemorial time spreading to the present,there are mysterious national stunts. "colorful Guizhou wind"collected the simple,magnificent,primitive,modern as a organic whole,she will let you experience the color and excellent national culture in Guizhou with her peculiar florid during the limited space-time. The beauty will make your journey happy and relaxed.

演出时间:晚上8:00(2个小时) 演出地点:贵阳大剧院(贵阳市纪念塔) 订票电话:0851-6576126 (市区免费送票上门)